Chinese Elm trees are commonly confused with Siberian Elms. Siberian Elms spread by seeds that are dropped in the Spring and pop up just about anywhere where there is water. They have many disease and pest problems. Chinese Elms are resistant to many of the diseases and pests that both Siberian Elms. You can tell the difference between the two trees by the bark.
Chinese Elm is also one of the most common species to use for bonsai. Being difficult to kill is what makes them very desirable for beginners.
To learn more about their function as a shade tree you can read this article comparing the best shade trees for the desert.
All pricing and availability are subject to change
1 gallon – $10
5 gallon – $35
15 gallon – $70
24″ box – $200
Details and Care Information:
Sunset Zones: 3-24
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5-9
Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
pH Range: Highly Acidic to Highly Alkaline
Soil: Clay, Loam, or Sand Texture
Drought Tolerance: Moderately Drought Tolerant
Growth Rate: 36” per year
Growth Habit: Erect, Spreading, or Weeping and requires ample growing space
Height: 40-60ft.
Width: 50-70ft.
Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous
Longevity: 50 to 150 years
Litter Issue: Small seeds
Pests and Diseases: Susceptible to Aphids, Beetle Borers, Beetle Leaves, Caterpillars and Scales, Dutch Elm Disease, Armillaria, Phytophthora, Root Rot, Sooty Mold and Verticillium.
Branch Strength: Medium
Root Damage Potential: Moderate
Suckering Potential: High if the tree is pruned
Special Care:
Pruning Advice: Pruning in the first few years to help basic structure is helpful, not required. Yearly pruning as a maintenance with mature trees is unnecessary and severely harmful to the tree and its longevity.
Watering Advice: How to Water Your Plants
Staking: Young trees need staking due to the top heaviness of the trees in youth.
Fertilizer: Fertilizer will help the tree grow quickly and establish itself faster.
Microclimate: No Microclimate necessary to thrive.
Chinese Elm