Autumn Fantasy Maples are part of the Freeman’s Maple group which are a cross between a Red Maple (Acer Rubrum) and a Silver Maple (Acer Saccharinum). Autumn Fantasy Maples are best suited for our dry heat and constant wind whereas other varieties, namely Autumn Blaze Maples, seem to struggle.
All pricing and availability are subject to change
5 gallon – $35
15 gallon – $90
24″ box – $200
A list of Freeman’s Maple cultivars:
- Autumn Blaze® Maple – Acer x Freemanii ‘Jeffersred’
- Autumn Fantasy® Maple – Acer x Freemanii ‘DTR 102’
- Armstrong Freeman’s Maple – Acer x Freemanii ‘Armstrong’
- Celebration® Freeman’s Maple – Acer x Freemanii ‘Celzam’
- Firefall™ Freeman’s Maple – Acer x Freemanii ‘AF#1’
- Marmo – Acer x freemanii ‘Marmo’
- Sienna Glen® Freeman’s Maple – Acer x Freemanii ‘Sienna’
Details and Care Information:
Sunset Zones: 1-9, 12, 14-24
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3-9
Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
pH Range: Acidic to Slightly Alkaline
Soil: Clay, Loam, or Sand Texture
Drought Tolerance: Moderately Drought Tolerant Once Established
Growth Rate: 36” per year
Growth Habit: Rounded
Height: 55-65ft.
Width: 30-40ft.
Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous
Longevity: 50 to 150 years
Litter Issue: Winged Seeds
Pests and Diseases: Susceptible to Aphids, Beetle Borers and Scales, Armillaria, Phytophthora, Root Rot and Verticillium.
Branch Strength: Medium Weak
Root Damage Potential: Moderate
Suckering Potential: Low
Special Care: Planting at least 15ft. from sidewalks, septic lines, buildings, and power lines to avoid damage from roots.
Pruning Advice: To maintain a strong branch structure prune branches that have a very narrow angle to the trunk as this creates a weak branch that can eventually become a problem.
Watering Advice: How to Water Your Plants
Fertilizer: Fertilizer will help the tree grow quickly and establish itself faster.
Microclimate: Prefers a wind sheltered spot in the desert, but not completely necessary. – What is a Microclimate?
Autumn Fantasy Maple