Pyracantha Digs

I noticed a nearby neighbor that I drive by often had removed his fence. These Pyracantha bushes lined the fence and looked a bit out of place without it. I knocked on the door and asked if he planned on keeping them or not and offered to dig them up for free if he were to get rid of them. He told me he’d let me know and I left my phone number.

As you can tell, he decided to get rid of them. I got meself some massive trunked Pyracanthas with plenty of air-layerable branches.

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 1
Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 2

There were a couple of branches that had been ground layered or had grown their own roots that I was able to separate and pot up.

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori Ground Layer

This one got me excited. Too bad the branches up top are larger than the lower ones, a bit of correction needed indeed.

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 16

Here is one of the trunks close up

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 15

This little stick can develop some nebari and become an interesting little shohin or mame.

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 21

The two big trunks ended up like this

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 25

This one still needing to be worked

Pyracantha Bonsai Yardadori 87

It’ll get a sawzall chop later down the road.